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There are bids, and contracts to build DETENTION CENTERS for political dissidents in ALL 50 STATES. 🚨🚨🚨

Do you remember the “FEMA Camps” that were rumored about during the Obama years?

It turns out that IN FACT the U.S. Government has been contracting to have detention centers built in each state in the union since at least 2010 according to “Internment and Resettlement Operations” documents. These centers are being built to house those who pose a “threat” to the installed, ROGUE NWO Communist regime.

This signals that there is a MAJOR event of some kind, like a “civil war” for example that would prompt a MASS ARREST of “disobedient” or “unruly” Americans citizens that question, or challenge their TYRRANY.

This explains perfectly why there has been a HUGE assault on our 2nd Amendment rights.

It also explains why MAGA is being labeled “violent extremists” by the FBI.

It seems that the J6 arrests are just a precursor.

A “practice run” for what is to come.
Wow. 😳😳😳

This “live debate” is going to be RIGGED to the hilt. As I suspected.

A 1-2 minute delay is a LOT of time to edit out dementia Biden’s worst answers, and or and stumbling.

They can also edit out pertinent things that Donald Trump says as they wish.

Not to mention, CNN plans to mute the mic if someone is talking over the other.

You will apparently ONLY get to see the CNN APPROVED version of the debate.

HOW is this OK?!?!

Did Team Trump REALLY agree to this???

Did Trump agree to EXPOSE CNN???
CNN’s “rules” for the debate tonight are ABSURD, and VERY UNFAVORABLE to Trump.

NO outside reporters.

NO one allowed in the audience.

CNN using its own BIASED “real time fact checker”.

A 1-2 minute delay on the live broadcast.

Biden REFUSING to provide a drug test before the debate tonight.

Biden’s team has requested that Trump’s mic be MUTED IF he mentions anything about Hunter’s conviction, Hunter’s laptop, or Ashley Biden’s diary, where she alleges Joe Biden molested her.

To put a cherry on top of it all, CNN is making White House Press Corps watch the feed of the debate from a building across the street because they believe there may be a "Medical Emergency" involving one of the candidates requiring on-scene coverage. That alone sounds like there is something VERY NEFARIOUS planned out.

This is not only a RIGGED debate, but it is a production with a predetermined outcome.

Even though Trump will WIPE THE FLOOR with Biden, they will LIE and say Biden “won”.
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We The People sure are happy to see THE BOSS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Trump looks really PUMPED UP and ready to pummel Joe’s dementia ass!


LFG!!! 🔥🔥🔥
Gruesome Newsom is at the debate tonight and there is ONLY ONE REASON WHY…

It’s not just because he is simply an invited guest.

He is sizing up his future competition, which will be Donald Trump.

Also notable, Mike Obama is NOT in attendance.

They are getting ready for the great SWITCHAROO.

Biden will very likely NOT be the Presidential candidate come November.

Mark. My. Words.
Joe Biden ACTUALLY looks like a stroke victim.

His cognitive decline even since the beginning of this year is SHOCKING. There is NO amount of drugs that can bring that man back.

Look at his face…

He is GONE.


During the SOTU, he was at least somewhat making sense.

I can’t even keep up with his incessant rambling at this point.

Holy shit.
Joe Biden looks like a half alive corpse and sounds like a bumbling, rambling fool.

He talks so much, yet NOTHING comes out.

Trump on the other hand is coming in like a strong, focused WRECKING BALL.
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“I really don’t know what he said at the end, and I don’t think he does either.” 🤣🤣🤣

Joe Biden just said that Trump “had sex with a porn star” 😳😳😳

“I never had sex with a porn star”.

LMFAO!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Someone better call 911 immediately, because I have a murder to report.

Trump has SLAUGHTERED Joe Biden tonight.

I’m telling you right now…

There is going to be NO coming back from this absolutely ATROCIOUS display being put on by brain dead Biden tonight.

This is, BY FAR THE WORST debate performance from a single candidate I have EVER seen.

The Democrats should be utterly ASHAMED of every second of this.

After this, I am CONVINCED that Biden will be switched out more than likely by Gavin Newsom, and it will happen quite SOON.

Get ready, it’s coming because they have NO CHOICE.

HOW the hell could ANY American vote for Joe Biden after watching this DISASTER tonight???
CNN reports that Democrats are in a “DEEP PANIC” saying that Joe Biden debate performance was “DISMAL”.

Saying that some Democrat “sources” are debating whether they should go and remove him from the White House via the 25th, or that he should be replaced as the candidate.

You KNOW it’s really really REALLY bad when most all of the far-left news outlets are saying it is OVER for Biden.

That means the Mockingbird Mainstream Media has been INSTRUCTED to actively turn on Biden.

I believe this is PART OF THEIR PLAN, knowing full well that Biden does NOT stand a chance in hell against Trump, even with a copious amount of election fraud they couldn’t get away with now what they got away with in 2020.

Biden HAD to be the “sacrificial lamb” so to say, they were going to let him fall apart after the first debate and six weeks out from the Democratic National Convention. JUST enough time to get Biden’s replacement ready.

Like I said many months ago, and I did NOT want to be right…


Boy, oh boy are the Democrats in a HUGE pickle right now…

There is an internal war going on between the Biden’s, Jill is leading the charge, the rest of the base as to whether he should step down, and allow his successor to take the reins into the convention, or continue down this road to destruction and stay in the race to be DESTROYED by Trump.

For the Democrats this is a NO WIN situation.

Newsom is looked at VERY unfavorably in California as well as the rest of the country.

Big Mike is not able to do it because the “Obama” name has been tarnished and Barack already ran 2 terms.

There aren’t many options other than MAYBE Kamala, which is also very unfavorable, Hillary Clinton, or Gretchen Whitmer. The latter two are definitely going to be an uphill battle with voters.

Even the Mainstream Media has turned its back on Biden overnight after his HORRENDOUS debate performance last night.

If they keep Biden, there is ZERO pathway to victory in November.

The Democrats are going to “Bernie Sanders” the shit out of Joe Biden at the Democratic National Convention.


2024/06/29 07:12:05
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