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English From Zero to Hero
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💎change your tune


If you change your tune, you change your opinion about something or your attitude towards someone.

❗️For example

🔸At first Bill was against selling the rights to his book, but he changed his tune when he realized how much money he could make.

🔸Kelly was quite rude to me at first, but she changed her tune when someone mentioned how wealthy I was.

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1. Fed up. = this means, to have had enough

2. Feel like = this means, want to do something

3. No hard feelings = don't worry

4. Heavy duty = tough and powerful

5. Hook up = to connect

6. Join forces.=means to unite

7. just what the doctor ordered = means what you need

8. Just about = nearly

9. Ins and outs = the small details

10. In hand = under control

11. Kick around = treat badly

12. Kick the bucket = to die

13. Knock it off = to stop it

14. Know-it-all = means, over confident

15. Keep on = continue

16. In less than no time = immediately

17. Long face = sad

18. Means business = serious

19. Make up your mind. = decide

20. Make off with = to steal

21. Make believe = to pretend

22. Mixed up = confused

23. Makes sense =seems reasonable/ right

24. Make a difference = to matter

25. Nail it down = finalize it

26. Never mind = don't worry about it

27. No doubt = certainly

28. No sweat = it's easy to do/ Ok

29. Of age =old enough

30. Off the hook =out of trouble

31. Once in a blue moon = rarely

32. Out of order = does not work

33. Out of shape = to be unfit

♦️Save electricity .. يوفر كهرباء

🔘Turn off the light when you leave a room to save electricity.

♦️Save energy .. يوفر طاقة

🔘What are ways that we can save energy?

♦️Save lives .. ينقذ أرواح

🔘Spotting the disease early can save lives.

♦️Save money .. يوفر أموال

🔘We stayed in a cheapo hotel to save money.

♦️Save one’s strength .. يحافظ على قوته

🔘You’re sick so save your strength, and don’t try to do anything.

♦️Save someone a seat .. يحجز لأحدهم مقعد

🔘I will be late to the movie. Will you save me a seat?

♦️Save someone’s life .. ينقذ حياة أحدهم

🔘Wearing a seat belt in a car can save your life.

♦️Save something .. يوفر شيء

🔘It’s just a wonderful feeling to save something.

♦️Save space .. يوفر مساحة

🔘She saved some space in her suitcase for souvenirs.

♦️Save time .. يوفر وقت

🔘It’ll save time if we go by cab.

♦️Save yourself the trouble .. يوفر على نفسه التعب

🔘You should save yourself the trouble.


🔹cool as a cucumber = very calm

🔸Example: Sarah felt nervous, but she acted as cool as a cucumber.

🔹Pipe dream = An idea or plan that is impossible or very unlikely to happen.

🔸Example: You want to become a famous actor? That sounds like a pipe dream.

🔹Work like a dog =To work very hard.

Peter became a lawyer after college, and now he works like a dog.

🔹Speak with a forked
tongue-To tell lies or say one thing and mean something else wa
The minister is speaking with a forked tongue, promising support he will never deliver. . People tend to believe Peter because he seems generous, but we know he speaks with a forked tongue.

🔹Wet behind the ears =To be young and without experience.

🔸Examples: Peter is too young to take on a job like this! He's still wet behind the ears!

🔹Out of practice =No longer good at doing something
Sarah studied French in high school, but she hasn't spoken it since. She is really out of practice.

🔹Live wire =Someone who is very
active and has a lot of energy.

My sister was the live
and I was always called

🔹Big shot =A powerful or important person

🔸Examples: He is trying to become a big shot in the mortgage business.

🔹Call it a day =To stop the work you are doing.

You've been studying hard, I think you should call it a day.

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English From Zero to Hero
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English From Zero to Hero
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🌟 Malapropism

A verbal error that involves replacing the intended word with one that sounds similar (e.g., using “mute point” instead of “moot point”).

🔰 Malapropism example:
When problems arise, it’s best to nip them in the butt.

🔰 Intended meaning:
When problems arise, it’s best to nip them in the bud.

Writers and performers often use malapropisms to create humor or convey particular character traits or themes. They can serve both stylistic and thematic purposes in a text.
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💠 Gerunds and infinitives 💠

🌟 Use

💢 1- A gerund is a verb in -ing form (present participle) that functions as a noun that names an activity.

♨️ 1.1 Gerunds can appear at the beginning of a sentence when used as a subject
♻️ Ex:- Jogging is a hobby of mine

♨️ 1.2 Gerunds can act as an object following the verb
♻️ Ex:- Daniel quit smoking a year ago.

♨️ 1.3 Gerunds can serve as an object after a preposition
♻️ Ex:- I look forward to helping you paint the house.

💢 2- An infinitive is a verb form that acts as other parts of speech in a sentence.
It is formed with:- to+ verb

♨️ 2.1 Infinitives can be used as an object following the verb
♻️ Ex:- Jim always forgets to eat.

♨️ 2.2 Infinitives can be used as a subject at the beginning of a sentence
♻️ Ex:- To travel around the world requires a lot of time and money.

♨️ 2.3 Infinitives can be used as an adverb modifying a verb
♻️ Ex:- You promised to buy me a diamond ring.

♨️ 2.4 Infinitives can be used as an adjective modifying a noun
♻️ Ex:- Tara has the ability to succeed.

⭐️ 1- The same spelling rules that apply to the progressive tenses also apply to the gerunds.

🌟 1.1 Some verbs and verb phrases are directly followed by a gerund
💫 Ex:- Paul avoids using chemicals on the vegetables he grows.

🌟 1.2 Some verbs can be followed by a gerund or an infinitive without a change in meaning
💫 Ex:- Some people prefer getting/ prefer to get up early in the morning.

🌟 1.3 Some verbs can be followed by a gerund or infinitive but with a change in meaning
💫 Ex:- He remembered sending the fax.
(He remembered the act of sending the fax)

💫 He remembered to send the fax.
(He remembered the fax and sent it)

⭐️ 2- Note with infinitives. ⭐️
🌟 2.1 Some verbs are directly followed by an infinitive
💫 Ex:- Do you want to call your family now?

🌟 2.2 Some verbs are directly followed by a noun or pronoun and then by an infinitive
💫 Ex:- I convinced Catherine to become vegetarian.
💫 He advised me to sell all my shares of stock.

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2024/07/04 09:03:48
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