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๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ EIL: Joe Biden weigert sich,
von einem Mordanschlag zu sprechen.
Trump gibt die erste รถffentliche Erklรคrung nach dem gescheiterten Attentat ab

"Ich mรถchte dem Secret Service der Vereinigten Staaten und allen Strafverfolgungsbehรถrden fรผr ihre schnelle Reaktion auf die SchieรŸerei in Butler, Pennsylvania, danken. Vor allem mรถchte ich der Familie des getรถteten Rallye-Teilnehmers mein Beileid aussprechen, aber auch der Familie einer weiteren Person, die schwer verletzt wurde. Es ist unglaublich, dass eine solche Tat in unserem Land geschehen kann. รœber den Schรผtzen, der jetzt tot ist, ist noch nichts bekannt. Ich wurde von einer Kugel getroffen, die den oberen Teil meines rechten Ohrs durchbohrte. Ich wusste sofort, dass etwas nicht stimmte, denn ich hรถrte ein zischendes Gerรคusch, Schรผsse und spรผrte sofort, wie die Kugel die Haut durchschlug. Es blutete stark, und da wurde mir klar, was passiert war. GOTT SEGNE AMERIKA!"
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter ๐Ÿธ (Pepe Lives Matter)
Media is too big
Even the mainstream media doesn't understand why they had no one on the roof just 150 yards away from President Trump. A former Secret Service agent told them that if there was no coverage on that roof that it will be an issue in the investigation.
They even ask her about the people telling local law enforcement that there was someone on the roof and that somehow there was no communication between the cops and secret service?
"Would you have had perhaps a local officialโ€ฆsecure that roof to make sure the roof is clear make sure nobody's in the building and then sand guard there? Yes but they should have They I would I would presume you should have a local police presence in that area Now could you have put somebody on that rooftop...
That's gonna be an issue Why was it why weren't those adjacent buildings look like looked at They are very close Yes And if there was somebody station there from local law enforcement outside the building where the shooter was. As you consider the possibilities, how could he have gotten up there? So as I look at this and again just from a preliminary assessment without having all the details, it seems to me what I would presume before the president goes up on stage.
It is interesting because there were eyewitnessesโ€ฆwho said they were actually positioned kind of outside the rally but we're just listening, and that they saw the gunman up with the rifle flying around. They were trying to tell some of the local officials that they saw there Is there a way to communicate I mean these are split second decisions. But for example, if there had been a state police officer outside on that or perimeter and someone said, there's a guy up there with a gun Can that message get communicated to secret service quickly Are they all on the same comms?"
Media is too big
Alex Jones: Hรถchste Alarmstufe Rot! Der globalistische tiefe Staat ist verzweifelt und wird versuchen, Trump erneut zu tรถten!

Alex Jones erklรคrt, warum das Versagen des Secret Service bei der Verhinderung des versuchten Attentats auf Prรคsident Trump einem regelrechten Staatsstreich des Tiefen Staates gleichkommt, und dass es dabei nicht bleiben wird.

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A new, personal statement from Dr. Reiner Fรผllmich on the current situation.๐Ÿ“ฎ๐Ÿ’ฌ๐Ÿ“ฃ



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Press release on the two previous trial days on 10 and 12 July 2024 in the matter of Dr Reiner Fรผllmich before the Gรถttingen Regional Court.


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A new statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich regarding the court proceeding before the Gรถttingen Regional Court, his personal situation and on current world events. ๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ“ฎ๐Ÿ’ฌ๐Ÿ“ฃ



What it's all about ...๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ฅโœ…โค๏ธ



2024/07/21 01:53:27
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