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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم —
Calling Christians to the truth.

We begin in the name of Allah, and upon Him we rely. We ask Him to bless this da'wah, and to make it a means of guidance for the sincere.

Christianity has been a pillar of misguidance for hundreds of years, pulling people away from the real message of 'Isa Ibn Maryam (عليه السلام)—the message of tawhid and pure monotheism to the darkness of polytheism and ignorance.

Our goal is to refute this altered, bastardized version of 'Isa's (عليه السلام) da'wah—a religion fabricated by the hands of priests and monks. We hope to expose it's many contradictions, logical fallacies, and unauthentic scriptures. At the same time, we will defend the religion of truth against the slander and misconceptions spread by the adherents of this false religion.

Disclaimer — Just because a specific speaker or preacher is shared, doesn't mean we share and promote all his views.
Point 1 – The Trinity doesn’t make sense.

God is simple, easy, and uncomplicated to understand.

He is the Creator, the Sustainer, the All-Knowing, the All-Hearing, and the All-Seeing. He brings us life, He causes us to die, He knows our thoughts, our emotions, and even our intentions. This is the God which all humans intrinsically know of, the God that young children naturally believe in—regardless of their upbringing & social status, as has been shown by several psychological studies.

You don’t need to be an intellectual, a skilled debater, or highly educated in order to know God—as that would be unfair towards His creation. For someone to even insinuate that human beings need to be philosophical geniuses in order to understand God, is the same as insulting God. Why would God test all of mankind as to whether we believed in Him or denied Him, if many of us aren’t able to comprehend Him & His Attributes? No, that cannot be the truth, it only makes sense that God would allow our intellect and natural disposition to understand Him without confusion or complication.

And therefore, I say: The Trinity isn’t divine, rather, it is a man-made concept. It doesn’t make sense to the human mind, it’s confusing, and imperfect.

The trinity supposedly represents (1) God, (2) Jesus the son of Mary, and (3) the holy spirit. According to this concept, God is not Jesus, neither is He the holy spirit, but, at the same time, Jesus is God, and the holy spirit is also God. Trinitarian doctrine states that they are all separate beings, but they all make up God. This is completely illogical, and almost brain-frying to try and wrap your head around.

Let’s break it down even more:

* The father is God, but He is not Jesus, and not the holy spirit
* Jesus is God, but he is not the Father, and not the holy spirit
* Holy Spirit is God, but not the father, nor Jesus

So, we have three separate beings that are all (supposedly) God, but they are not each other. This necessitates that there are 3 separate Gods, because they are not the same being, but are all supposedly God. Again, this makes no sense at all, and closely resembles polytheism. Anyone with natural intellect and reasoning would come to the conclusion that this is either nonsense or gibberish—which many have done. Some might say (in response to us): “It’s a mystery”, and this isn't an answer to our questions, it's a cop-out and a method of avoiding these questions entirely.

Islam, on the other hand, is clear: there is one God, He alone is worthy of worship, and He alone governs all of the affairs. This is compatible with the natural disposition and the intellect, and All praise is due to Allah for preserving this religion. Whenever someone asks us a question about Allah تعالى, we have a clear answer—never claiming that it's a "divine mystery" or any such nonsense.

الحمد لله
Refuting Christianity
Point 1 – The Trinity doesn’t make sense. God is simple, easy, and uncomplicated to understand. He is the Creator, the Sustainer, the All-Knowing, the All-Hearing, and the All-Seeing. He brings us life, He causes us to die, He knows our thoughts, our emotions…
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Christians worship 3 gods (cont).

This brother explains the point very well.

The priests & monks who distorted the Bible (Paul and his followers) knew that they had to keep Christianity as a monotheistic religion, otherwise they would be clearly contradicting many teachings of the old and new testament.

To do that, they needed fabricate the trinitarian doctrine in a weak attempt of justifying their shirk—playing it off as monotheism. This resulted in the Trinity logical problem, which is shown here and what I spoke about in the above post.
Refuting Christianity
Point 1 – The Trinity doesn’t make sense. God is simple, easy, and uncomplicated to understand. He is the Creator, the Sustainer, the All-Knowing, the All-Hearing, and the All-Seeing. He brings us life, He causes us to die, He knows our thoughts, our emotions…
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The LPT (logical problem of the trinity) has caused much debate, discussion, and confusion in Christianity throughout the centuries.

The clip above is a lengthy quote from Gregory of Nyssa, an early Christian scholar who died in 394 [Christian Calendar] that showcases this Logical problem. Here is the source of the quote: On "Not Three Gods"

One of the main points here, is that we are not misrepresenting any trinitarian beliefs, we're only going by what Christians themselves have agreed on.

Many have tried to answer it, and many of those people became "heretical" in their quest to answer this logical problem. Here is an in-depth analysis video, which goes over the many attempts to "solve" the LPT throughout history, cementing the fact that this is a major problem for trinitarians. A lot them turned to absurdity and even polytheism,  to try and explain the LPT.

Watch here: The Logical Problems of the Trinity
Are we not responsible for ourselves?

(1) - The concept of the original sin is very strange.

Christianity tells us that all of humanity is collectively born in a state of sin, and this is because Adam & Eve ate from the forbidden fruit.

I say: Why do we all bare the burden of Adam's supposed sin? It doesn't make sense at all.

For example, let's say that I steal something from a store. Would it make sense for my children to be punished, and have their right hand severed because of my actions?

And even worse in this case, it wouldn't just be my children — it would generations and generations of my descendants getting their hands amputated for my crime.

(2) - That Jesus died for our supposed sins.

Now, this makes even less sense than the first one.

This is like me stealing from a store, and in order for me to be released from jail — or forgiven for my crime, I need to sacrifice someone else for it.

And it can't just be any random person, I have to sacrifice a person with a clear record (I.e someone who has never sinned)

Do you not see the confusing logic?

It seems more probable that paul, along with whoever else tampered with the bible and its teachings to make Jesus seem divine.
Misrepresenting the Ayah you're getting that from.  It is speaking about those who called out to statues, stones, and graves; saying that those things would intercede for them on the day of Ressurection. Christians are guilty of this, without a doubt.

>Intercessors gods
No one prays to any dead person whether it be a Prophet or an angel, and the only "intercession" that is allowed takes place on the day of judgement, which is done in front of & apperoved by Allah. Calling out to saints, Prophets, Prophet's family or companions is major disbelief.

It seems that Christians cannot speak to Muslims without lying, straw-maning, or being deceitful. Perhaps they learned this from the priests and rabbis they worship.

Bruh these Christians are retarded
2024/07/01 18:23:08
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