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Is it so 🤭🤭
Not so far 😎😎
What say 😎😎
What say 🫣🫣
You have to do for yourself 😊😊
Most of the time 🫣🫣
Absolutely 😏😏
What say 😎😎
What say 😎😎
Just tired 😐😐
Agree or not 🥲🥲
That's what you need my girl 🥰🥰
𝗤.आपको किस Exam की Notes चाहिए.?

𝗤.Which 𝐄xam 𝐍otes 𝐃o 𝐘ou 𝐍𝐞ed.?
मानव का ह्रदय एक मिनट में कितनी बार धड़कता ?
2024/07/24 17:06:22
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