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Whatsapp Revael 🛠
has been updated to v10.18-1 on BigBoss
Many features of the WhatsApp application
•- Updated all features to support the latest WhatsApp update

•To report any problem you can email me
[email protected]

•You can follow the latest news, updates and upcoming features through my Twitter account>

•BETA Repo Updates and trials are released here
Filza File Manager 🎛
has been updated to v4.0.1-3 on BigBoss
File Manager for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. Supports iOS 7+
•- Fixed dependency issue: removed xz-utils
IGImageSave 🛠
has been released on BigBoss
Save Instagram Feed/Stories Pictures!
Nyx for Instagram 🛠
has been released on BigBoss
Supercharge your experience on Instagram!
Choicy 🛠
has been updated to v1.4.10-2 on BigBoss
Advanced Tweak Configuration!
•• Fix a bug where the Crane integration would not work as expected under certain conditions
酸果 - SG WX美化增强工具 🛠
has been updated to v5.5.1-1 on BigBoss
Call Recorder X+ 🛠
has been updated to v3.32 on hAcx
Native Call Recorder
Super Recorder X+ (rootless) (rootless) 🛠
has been updated to v3.32 on hAcx
Native Call Recorder & Voice Amplifier for iOS 12,13,14
Call Recorder X+ 🛠
has been updated to v3.32-1 on hAcx
Native Call Recorder
Super Recorder X+ 🛠
has been updated to v3.32-1 on hAcx
Native Call Recorder & Voice Amplifier for iOS 12,13,14
Volume Amplifier 🛠
has been updated to v2.08 on hAcx
Amplify Volume by 200%
Nyx for Instagram 🛠
has been updated to v1.0.5 on BigBoss
Supercharge your experience on Instagram!
•- Optimized cache storage usage
•- Fixed story video may not load properly
•- Fixed nyx's button may not appear in some condition
•- Minor bug fix and improvements
SpotiPlayPauseConfirm 🛠
has been released on BigBoss
Confirm Alert on Spotify Play/Pause Button!
vbox官方一键新机全系备份 🛠
has been released on BigBoss
Call Recorder X+ 🛠
has been updated to v3.32-2 on hAcx
Native Call Recorder
Super Recorder X+ 🛠
has been updated to v3.32-3 on hAcx
Native Call Recorder & Voice Amplifier for iOS 12,13,14
Volume Amplifier 🛠
has been updated to v2.08-1 on hAcx
Amplify Volume by 200%
App Hider(应用隐藏助手)-Make Apps disappeared from SpringBoard 🛠
has been updated to v2.1.8 on BigBoss
Hide your Apps from SpringBoard
•- Fixed some bugs.
o2 Pro 🛠
has been updated to v5.1-1 on BigBoss
致敬·锤子OS·One Step,一步打通应用间的边界,全新美观便捷的分屏新方式。
•Once again, let the interaction keep up with your thinking, with a brand new split screen
•rootless ios15 (无根)
酸果 - SG WX美化增强工具 🛠
has been updated to v5.5.2-4 on BigBoss
2024/07/18 14:48:45
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