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Telegram Gives Up On Crypto Blockchain Project

Durov said on his Telegram channel today that the two and a half year blockchain and crypto project has been put to sleep. Ironically, after leaving Russia because the government wanted his encryption keys to his social media firm, Durov’s cryptocurrency idea lost steam because of a U.S. court. β€œThe technology we created allowed for an open, free, decentralized exchange of value and ideas. TON had the potential to revolutionize how people store and transfer funds and information,” he wrote on his channel. β€œUnfortunately, a U.S. court stopped TON from happening.”

Tata Power whose core business is to generate, transmit and distribute electricity has made no money to investors in the last one decade. That is a big blunder considering it is one of the largest power generation companies in the country. One of the reasons is the company's huge debt levels which stood at β‚Ή43,559 crore at the end of March 2021 compared to the company’s market capitalisation of β‚Ή44,447 crore.

αžα†α—·α–‡αͺα”‘-ᑕÓᗰᏆᑕᔑ Ꭹ α—°α—©α‘Žα€α—©α”‘ α”‘3 from US

USA US telegram Group & telegram Channel 10

Telegram πŸ“š αžα†α—·α–‡αͺα”‘, ᑕÓᗰᏆᑕᔑ Ꭹ α—°α—©α‘Žα€α—©α”‘ α”‘3 πŸ“š

Created: 2021-05-02

From: USA and USA

Telegram πŸ“š αžα†α—·α–‡αͺα”‘, ᑕÓᗰᏆᑕᔑ Ꭹ α—°α—©α‘Žα€α—©α”‘ α”‘3 πŸ“š, 585570 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel USA, US

Telegram πŸ“š αžα†α—·α–‡αͺα”‘, ᑕÓᗰᏆᑕᔑ Ꭹ α—°α—©α‘Žα€α—©α”‘ α”‘3 πŸ“š, 585570 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, USA,

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