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🌟 Warmest wishes for a fantastic new academic year in India! 🌟

👩‍🎓 Good Wishes to Students:
May your classrooms buzz with curiosity 🔍,
your hearts brim with joy ❤️, and
your minds be playgrounds for endless possibilities .
Embrace new challenges with courage 💪,
create cherished memories that last a lifetime 📚, and
discover the incredible power within you 🚀.
Wishing you all success in this new academic year!

🕉 May the year be filled with the divine blessings of knowledge and growth
🌱. May you and your classmates learn new things with wonder and excitement 🌟!

👨‍👩‍👦 To Parents:
Here's to a year of watching your children blossom with pride 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦.
May they experience supportive learning environments 🏫,
build strong friendships 🤝, and
feel safe and healthy to thrive throughout the year!

Here's to a year of learning, growth, and happiness for all! 🎉📖🌈

May the divine blessings, divine guidance and divine protection be bestowed up on all of us.

With Prayers and Best Wishes
🙏 Hare Krishna 🙏
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Believe in your strength and courage, for within you lies the power to rise above any challenge.

You have the resilience to face difficulties head-on and emerge even stronger.

Trust yourself, stay true to who you are, and remember that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.

Embrace your inner warrior, and let your light shine bright.

Wish you most and more
- Atchuta
इंसान को उम्र बढ़ने पर ‘वरिष्ठ’ बनना चाहिये, ‘बूढ़ा’ नहीं|

बुढ़ापा अन्य लोगों का आधार ढूँढता है और वरिष्ठता, वरिष्ठता तो लोगों को आधार देती है ।

बुढ़ापा छुपाने का मन करता है,
और वरिष्ठता को उजागर करने का मन करता है ।

बुढ़ापा अहंकारी होता है,
वरिष्ठता अनुभवसंपन्न, विनम्र और संयमशील होती है ।

बुढ़ापा नई पीढ़ी के विचारों से छेड़छाड़ करता है,
और वरिष्ठता युवा पीढ़ी को, बदलते समय के अनुसार जीने की छूट देती है ।

बुढ़ापा "हमारे ज़माने में ऐसा था" की रट लगाता है,
और वरिष्ठता बदलते समय से अपना नाता जोड़ लेती है, उसे अपना लेती है।

बुढ़ापा नई पीढ़ी पर अपनी राय लादता है, थोपता है
और वरिष्ठता तरुण पीढ़ी की राय को समझने का प्रयास करती है

बुढ़ापा जीवन की शाम में अपना अंत ढूंढ़ता है मगर वरिष्ठता,
वह तो जीवन की शाम में भी एक नए सवेरे का इंतजार करती है, युवाओं की स्फूर्ति से प्रेरित होती है ।

संक्षेप में ...

वरिष्ठता और बुढ़ापे के बीच के अंतर को समझकर, जीवन का आनंद पूर्ण रूप से लेने में सक्षम बनना चाहिए।
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Please watch this video till the end

I think
Once you start, you can't stop watching till the end

God bless

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Roger Federer, commencement speech at Dartmouth, in case you missed it…. Down to earth & from the heart👍🏼
Media is too big
निवृत्ती नंतर गुपचुप बसायच, जास्त चौकशी करायची नाही
💝 There was a sculptor in a village who was an excellent carver. He would carry the carved figures on his donkey and sell them in the nearby market.

❤️ One day, the sculptor carved a figure of a goddess. The doll was very beautiful and divine. He carefully placed the doll on the donkey and took it to the next village.

💖 People passing by on the road saw the figure of the deity and thought it was a real deity being carried.

💞 However, all this seemed different to the donkey. She thought everyone was looking at her and saluting her.

💓 As she walked, everyone stopped and saluted, and the donkey became proud.

💕 She thought, "Do I look like an important figure and deserve so much respect?" She was surprised. She thought, "I don't need to listen to anyone anymore."

💞 After a while, the donkey felt pain in her legs, so she stopped in the middle of the road. Even though the donkey had stopped, people continued to offer garlands to the deity on her back. No matter how much the sculptor coaxed the donkey to move, it did not budge.

💖 The donkey thought, "I am great if all the people of the village respect me! Why should someone as noble as me listen to the words of the master?" So, she did not move from there.

❤️ The sculptor got frustrated and took the idol of the deity off the donkey, placing it on his own head, and moved on.

💕 The donkey closed her eyes with pride, thinking, "If he's gone, he's gone." When she opened her eyes after a while, there was no one near her.

💓 Everyone was walking behind her master. In the meantime, a passerby hit the donkey on the back with a stick as it crossed the road. With that, the donkey became enlightened.

❤️ She thought, "I thought too highly of myself unnecessarily. If I stay here any longer, my back will break." So, she ran to her owner.

💝 Niti: It would be foolish to assume that the courtesies of being around the great are permanent.

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Amazing Indians
Salutes To This Lady and for her love on her FATHER.

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Take a few minutes to watch this exciting battle of dung beetles for shit. Very informative

All the corrupt politicians and those in positions of justice who fail to uphold their duties, who shirk their responsibilities and create conflict over trivial matters,

It is said that they will be reborn as beetles, endlessly fighting over waste. They will live extended lives battling over filth until their karma is balanced.

What a waste of human potential. Let us make our lives more inspiring by seizing the opportunity to fulfill our responsibilities.
Better three hours too soon than a minute too late
- William Shakespeare
The quote "Better three hours too soon than a minute too late" by William Shakespeare emphasizes the value of punctuality and the importance of being early rather than late. Here’s a detailed explanation:

### Key Points:

1. Punctuality: The quote underscores the importance of being on time. Being early is seen as a virtue, showing respect for others’ time and demonstrating reliability.

2. Preparedness: Arriving early allows for preparation and reduces the risk of unforeseen delays. It gives you a buffer to handle unexpected events that could make you late.

3. Perception: Being early can create a positive impression, indicating that you are organized, considerate, and dependable.

4. Opportunity: Arriving ahead of time can provide opportunities to gather thoughts, review plans, or seize moments that may be missed if you arrive late.

### Detailed Explanation:

- Three Hours Too Soon: This part of the quote is an exaggeration to stress the point that it’s better to be very early. It suggests that being early, even to an extreme extent, is preferable to being late.

- A Minute Too Late: Being late, even by a minute, can result in missing critical opportunities, deadlines, or events. It emphasizes that lateness, regardless of how slight, can have significant negative consequences.

### Practical Implications:

- In Professional Settings: Being early for meetings, interviews, or appointments can demonstrate professionalism and eagerness.

- In Personal Life: Punctuality in personal engagements reflects respect for the other person’s time and can strengthen relationships.

- In General: Cultivating a habit of being early helps manage time better and reduces stress associated with rushing or running late.

In summary, Shakespeare’s quote is a powerful reminder of the importance of punctuality and the benefits of being early rather than risking the negative consequences of being late.
2024/06/19 09:31:46
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