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Two cheers for Nigel Farage as he questions the dangerous Russophobia of the UK political elite. But why won't he come straight out and condemn Nato's Maidan coup and relentless aggression towards Russia?

Speaking out properly against the war would allow him to promise a host of very popular alternatives uses for the money the Westminster parties are pouring down the Kiev/Democrat black hole.
Forwarded from Australia First Party
“Atonement”? (Jim Saleam)

A week or so ago, I was forwarded the post of an ‘influencer’ who considers himself ‘far right’. He told a philosophic yarn about “atonement” (his phrase). He said that in 1939, “Anglo-Saxon” countries like Australia (Note: we nationalists say Australia was at that time culturally and ethnically European in general, but Australian-native in particular and not “Anglo-Saxon”, but we leave that tussle for another time), committed a blood sin for warring with the Germans. I think he really meant Germanics warring with Germanics and not simply ‘whites’ or Europeans engaging in racial civil war. We were admonished to historically atone for the sin.

Well, we are aware that, while a part of the British ruling class was by the 1920s mutating into the local branch of a transnational class without any country, the other part was playing an old game with the rising European powers (Germany and Italy) and was willing to go to war to keep the Continent divided. The rising section of the class regarded the old Empire boys as useful idiots and would allow them their war. Perhaps any war was indeed a sin of sorts? But our influencer then went on to tell us that Hitler’s Germany was about to redeem “Western Civilisation” and we worked against it. This was the ultimate historical crime for our influencer. I note this yarn is getting around and our influencer is one of those working hard in pushing it. Of course, something has been missed.

For the history buffs, today is June 22 and the eighty second anniversary of the invasion of the Soviet Union by Germany and its allies. This war was no anti communist crusade, no simple ideological war cast in that mould, that is to say a war with a more ‘conservative’ provenance. It was further untrue to say either, that it was a war whereby fascism fought against communism while also maintaining the struggle against the plutocracy which ruled in the democracies, although it is true some wartime fascists tried to make it so. I could say even that was too late for fascism, because this war at its core was a criminal enterprise, whereby one section of the European Race (the Germanics) was admonished to seize the lands of another section of the European Race (the Slavs) and then ethnically cleanse this group from its historical territories. A few crumbs were to be thrown to useful allies. If I said it was all madness, well ….

That enormous truth is something avoided by the likes of the influencer. I note that the influencer pretends that he is also a “white nationalist”. I cannot see any “white nationalism” (as he might like to say he advocates for) in this war. It might mean it is surely time for some to do real research and forget about fanciful cultic “atonement”.

No one can atone (sic) for this overall disaster for European Civilisation in the middle of the last century, other than for all Europeans to struggle to the end against the NATO system as it spreads its power throughout the world, to struggle till victory against globalist liberalism wherever it exists and to create a world of free and sovereign peoples.

The link records a small Russian ceremony to mark the June 22 anniversary.
Yes, of course I know he's an off-the-scale Zionist and that he's always favoured non-European immigration. But Nigel Farage has finally given everyone who would rather at least try to avoid WW3 a reason to get out and vote on July 4th.
Fingers crossed!
Forwarded from UNN
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So it now appears Tommy Robinson's 'sobriety' that he boasted to UNN about on twitter once has been completely obliterated.

According to these very serious allegations he went on a drink and drug fuelled bender in Canada and visited numerous prostitutes.

The trip was such a calamity an arrest was then concocted to bail out the financial disaster enfolding.
Forwarded from Battleground (Jerm)
Good morning.
Another nation rejects the decadence and perversion of the liberal West and joins the real free world!
Forwarded from Lord Bebo & Friends (крип)
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Walk Like a Joe Biden!

Great reworking of The Bangles' 1986 hit, Walk Like an Egyptian. Pass it on and help finish it.
Every single person who has campaigned in favour of open borders and the asylum flood must bear some of the blame for this horror and for these deaths.

The lion's share of the blame, however, must fall on Blair, Bush and their neocon backers who between them destroyed Iraq.

If you oppose the asylum flood, then you must also oppose the wicked foreign policies of 'our' governments, which have ruined so many once happy countries, and continue to do so.
"Michael, they are taking you away...."
The UK media and political class are more under Zionist occupation than Israel!
Forwarded from The American Majority
"All hangs by a thread," David Grossman tells thousands at rally for election, hostage deal

Tens of thousands of Israelis in dozens of locales participated in anti-government protests on Saturday night, demanding new elections and the return of hostages held in Gaza.

Former Shin Bet chief Diskin calls Netanyahu worst PM in Israeli history; thousands mark 20th birthday of hostage Naama Levy; 3 arrested amid violent clashes with cops in Tel Aviv. "There's someone and something to fight for. For such a gift, from life, we will nevermore receive… Now's the time to rise, to live. To be a people or not to be. To be people or not to be… All hangs by a thread," he read.

Looks like the Israelis understand their current predicament, at least to some extent. Netanyahu is itching for a war with Lebanon too, which would make everything way worse than it is now. Israel might be close to making a horrible decision, maybe their last decision as a country. I don't know, we will see.

Join The American Majority!
When did you last see a straight White man or, for that matter, a Muslim man, portrayed in a positive light in a TV advert?
2024/06/29 03:14:25
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