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Everything he does now from rallies to interviews is such a chore to listen to. Tedious, repetitive, boring, stale... it wasn't like this 8 years ago. Are the people really supporting him seriously tuning in to these appearances? "Oh boy new Trump interview!" said no one.
Doyle is really a sad case. He has no ideas of his own, if you listen to him speak you can very quickly identify which Jews are doing his thinking for him and from whom he is getting all of "his" opinions. It is very obviously from groupchats full of that same cadre of BAP orbiters, such as those that he frequently likes and retweets, all of them anonymous, +30 y/o, sympathetic to Israel, and not revealing their true identity (probably Jewish).

"Why do we care about Israel annexing the West Bank?" "We are infiltrating the GOP!" "Palestinians hate Israel because they are anti-White!" "We are exploiting October 7th to play different factions of the Left against one another!"

These are all calculated Hasbara talking points. But he is too prideful to concede.

He asks on one of the clips, "Can you even define what a Zionist is?" Yes, I can. Can you define what a Straussian is? Do you know who Ze'ev Jabotinsky was? Or Harry Jaffa?

Fundamentally, so few people are truly redpilled. They have some vague notion that Jews might be too supportive of Israel or something... but they don't have the knowledge.
"We" are not infiltrating the GOP. There is no "we." "We" are not organized. "We" do not have money. "We" are playing T-ball.

THEY are organized, monied, sophisticated, and benefitting the most. THEY put Joshua Steinman, Mike Benz, Michael Anton, Darren Beattie, and others in the Trump admin. THEY got a $500 million contract from the CIA. THEY worked the patriots to get Vance a seat.
BAP et al: Fuentes is a low IQ antisemite!
Doyle et al: *seething in my shadow* yeah!
It's so amusing how the "Nazi bodybuilders" and "billions must die" crowd squeals about antisemitism when you start counting the Jews in their network. Hmmm Jonathan Keeperman, Steve Sailer, Curtis Yarvin, Costin Alamariu, Future Moldovan Citizen... "SHUT IT DOWN THATS LOW IQ ANTISEMITISM!!!"
I always said Gen Z would be based.

People (like Scott Greer) would say “b-but the polls say Gen Z is cringe!”

I always said that the White male contingent would be based with a smaller but influential “redpilled” group within. I’ve been on the ball on everything for years.
Pay close attention to this thread on X. Loomer refuses to condemn the ZOA, but makes clear that she is against AIPAC. This is what Jews mean when they say things like "Jews are not a monolith." They mean that there are sometimes factional disputes between race-loyal, Israel First Jews.

"No you see I'm not an Israel-First Race Loyal Jew because I'm willing to criticize the ADL or AIPAC. But the ZOA? That is the Israel-First Jewish group that I support."

In their mind this demonstrates that we should trust and allow them to ingratiate themselves in our circle.
Going live in 15
Not doing a show tonight getting ready for AFPAC
Not doing a show tonight, I’ll see you at AFPAC on Saturday!
Have you noticed that the media seems to be far more concerned about Project 2025 than they do about a Donald Trump presidency?

In 2016 the media viciously attacked Trump with such intensity and urgency because they genuinely feared him and what he might accomplish if he won.

Now, the media seems to have effectively resigned itself to the increasingly likely possibility that he might win. They are obviously not pro-Trump, but their ambivalent approach suggests that they don’t believe the stakes are as high this time around.

Perhaps that is because they saw that Trump came and went in the first term without much of anything actually changing.

However the media has lately focused its attention on the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025,” which seeks to recruit future White House personnel to execute a more radical agenda than what Trump has promised.

This confirms what I have been saying, which is that the important battles will take place within the Trump Admin over hiring. And like last time it seems probable that we will get a terrible cabinet that will buckle under pressure from the media.
I got kicked out of tpusa again this year. I actually thought I might have gotten in but it’s still gay
I will be making an announcement about AFPAC shortly. Bad news.

Yesterday as our team finished setting up our stage and began preparing to rehearse the program for tonight, our venue— the Russell Industrial Center, informed us that they will not permit us to go forward with the event, in breach of our contract with them.

We attempted to negotiate with the property manager but they had already called the police who forced our ~100 person team to leave the premises and threatened to criminally trespass us. They locked the doors with much of our equipment still inside. We will be pursuing legal action against the venue for breach of contract.

Over the last 24 hours we have been working nonstop to put together an alternative venue but on such short notice we have not been able to find a venue that can accommodate our nearly 2,000 guests while guaranteeing your safety and privacy or meeting our standards for an exceptional experience.

We will be in touch shortly with sponsors, AF students, and VIP guests about an exclusive, closed-door event that we will hold later tonight. Watch your email inbox within the next hour for more information.

I am sorry to everybody who traveled to Detroit for this event. We will be in contact with ticket-holders about refunds in the coming weeks. We intend to reschedule AFPAC IV at a later date this year.

This is a completely outrageous situation and although it was outside our control, I promise that I will make it up to all of you with an event later this year.

I know you are all disappointed, as am I and my entire team. But we must accept these trials as an unavoidable condition of our struggle.
America First is BACK tonight at 11pm CT
Forwarded from Keith Woods
Proud to be part of the same movement as these men
Going live soon
2024/06/19 14:24:06
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