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سُودانية..♡سيّدتي بربك هل يَحِق لأربابِ الجمالِ الطلقِ شكواهم
من ترَّهات الحزن!،ماهذا الضلال!💛🌻

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• قناه۪ہً لنشر ڪافةه الانوا؏ *.


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سُودانية- Telegram | DID YOU KNOW?

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Export WhatsApp stickers to Telegram on Android

From the Files app, scroll down to Internal storage, and tap on WhatsApp. Once you’re there, go to Media and then WhatsApp Stickers. Don’t be surprised if you find a large number of files in that folder—it holds your personal collection of stickers and every one you’ve ever received. Even the bad ones.Tap the three dots in the top right corner of your screen to Select all. If you want to trim the fat and grab only the best of the best, this is the perfect time to do so: choose the ones you want to export by long-pressing one file to activate selection mode, and then tapping on the rest. Once you’re done, hit the Share button (that “less than”-like symbol at the top of your screen). If you have a big collection—more than 500 stickers, for example—it’s possible that nothing will happen when you tap the Share button. Be patient—your phone’s just struggling with a heavy load.On the menu that pops from the bottom of the screen, choose Telegram, and then select the chat named Saved messages. This is a chat only you can see, and it will serve as your sticker bank. Unlike WhatsApp, Telegram doesn’t store your favorite stickers in a quick-access reservoir right beside the typing field, but you’ll be able to snatch them out of your Saved messages chat and forward them to any of your Telegram contacts. This also means you won’t have a quick way to save incoming stickers like you did on WhatsApp, so you’ll have to forward them from one chat to the other.

Among the actives, Ascendas REIT sank 0.64 percent, while CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust plummeted 1.42 percent, City Developments plunged 1.12 percent, Dairy Farm International tumbled 0.86 percent, DBS Group skidded 0.68 percent, Genting Singapore retreated 0.67 percent, Hongkong Land climbed 1.30 percent, Mapletree Commercial Trust lost 0.47 percent, Mapletree Logistics Trust tanked 0.95 percent, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation dropped 0.61 percent, SATS rose 0.24 percent, SembCorp Industries shed 0.54 percent, Singapore Airlines surrendered 0.79 percent, Singapore Exchange slid 0.30 percent, Singapore Press Holdings declined 1.03 percent, Singapore Technologies Engineering dipped 0.26 percent, SingTel advanced 0.81 percent, United Overseas Bank fell 0.39 percent, Wilmar International eased 0.24 percent, Yangzijiang Shipbuilding jumped 1.42 percent and Keppel Corp, Thai Beverage, CapitaLand and Comfort DelGro were unchanged.

سُودانية- from NL

South Africa SA telegram Group & telegram Channel 10

Telegram سُودانية..♡

Created: 2020-01-02

From: NETHERLANDS and Россия

Telegram سُودانية..♡, 45785 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel NETHERLANDS, SA

Telegram سُودانية..♡, 45785 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, Россия, RU

TG اٰدٰمٰہٰٖــاٰنٰـيٰ🎡🌈.*

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