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Scientometrics🔴محمدسعیدرضائی زواره
(فعال حوزه علم‌سنجی و اخلاق نشر)

✅بازنشر مهمترین مقالات پزشکی

✅ترویج پزشکی مبتنی بر گواه و مبارزه با شبه علم!

✅بررسی وضعیت علمی و پژوهشی ایران

✅مقابله با بداخلاقی پژوهشی!


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Scientometrics Telegram | DID YOU KNOW?

Date: |

The S&P 500 slumped 1.8% on Monday and Tuesday, thanks to China Evergrande, the Chinese property company that looks like it is ready to default on its more-than $300 billion in debt. Cries of the next Lehman Brothers—or maybe the next Silverado?—echoed through the canyons of Wall Street as investors prepared for the worst.

Telegram Be The Next Best SPAC

I have no inside knowledge of a potential stock listing of the popular anti-Whatsapp messaging app, Telegram. But I know this much, judging by most people I talk to, especially crypto investors, if Telegram ever went public, people would gobble it up. I know I would. I’m waiting for it. So is Sergei Sergienko, who claims he owns $800,000 of Telegram’s pre-initial coin offering (ICO) tokens. “If Telegram does a SPAC IPO, there would be demand for this issue. It would probably outstrip the interest we saw during the ICO. Why? Because as of right now Telegram looks like a liberal application that can accept anyone - right after WhatsApp and others have turn on the censorship,” he says.

Scientometrics from MS

USA US telegram Group & telegram Channel 10

Telegram Scientometrics

Created: 2020-09-23

From: MONTSERRAT and Россия

Telegram Scientometrics, 330178 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel MONTSERRAT, US

Telegram Scientometrics, 330178 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, Россия, RU

TG Scientometrics

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