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♨اسطوره&مصمم 🎨

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♨اسطوره&مصمم 🎨

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اسطوره&مصمم Telegram | DID YOU KNOW?

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Traders also expressed uncertainty about the situation with China Evergrande, as the indebted property company has not provided clarification about a key interest payment.In economic news, the Commerce Department reported an unexpected increase in U.S. new home sales in August.Crude oil prices climbed Friday and front-month WTI oil futures contracts saw gains for a fifth straight week amid tighter supplies. West Texas Intermediate Crude oil futures for November rose $0.68 or 0.9 percent at 73.98 a barrel. WTI Crude futures gained 2.8 percent for the week.

Unlimited members in Telegram group now

Telegram has made it easier for its users to communicate, as it has introduced a feature that allows more than 200,000 users in a group chat. However, if the users in a group chat move past 200,000, it changes into "Broadcast Group", but the feature comes with a restriction. Groups with close to 200k members can be converted to a Broadcast Group that allows unlimited members. Only admins can post in Broadcast Groups, but everyone can read along and participate in group Voice Chats," Telegram added.

اسطوره&مصمم from MS

Deutschland DE telegram Group & telegram Channel 10

Telegram ♨اسطوره&مصمم 🎨

Created: 2020-01-14


Telegram ♨اسطوره&مصمم 🎨, 50237 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel MONTSERRAT, DE

Telegram ♨اسطوره&مصمم 🎨, 50237 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, USA, US

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