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In a hilarious piece of ‘journalism’, Axios via the New York Times has published an article claiming that Hollywood celebrities are the key to Biden’s efforts to win the election in November.
Actor Jack Black has continued to receive blowback after he doubled down on endorsing Joe Biden, with many asking how much he had been paid, and media outlets describing the criticism as “abuse”.
Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary asserted that the asylum system was “a complete scam” and that such individuals “are not refugees” because they are arriving from safe countries and then flushing their passports down the toilet.
Federal government data out of Germany has revealed that more than half of migrants arriving in the country as ‘asylum seekers’ have no passport or identification documents at all.
Residents of Wethersfield Connecticut gathered Monday at a town hall to confront the mayor and other council officials over a decision to refuse a request to fly a ‘thin blue line’ flag in honour of a fallen police officer.
The president of the German Teachers Association has warned that the country’s education system is being overwhelmed with migrant students, many of whom are illiterate and can barely speak the language.
In a speech in Wisconsin Tuesday, Donald Trump called out the Biden campaign and its media mouthpieces as “shameless liars” for suggesting that footage of him wandering around looking lost at the G7 summit and having to be led off a stage by Obama at a fundraiser were somehow faked.
Remember a few years back when weird monoliths started appearing exactly like 2001: A Space Odyssey? Well, they’re Back.
During a softball interview with MSNBC uber leftist Rachel Maddow in an attempt to hawk a book he is selling, Anthony Fauci claimed that efforts by Republicans in the House to hold him accountable for actions taken during the pandemic equate to an attempt to “undermine our social order.”
2024/06/20 00:42:59
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