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Among the actives, Ascendas REIT sank 0.64 percent, while CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust plummeted 1.42 percent, City Developments plunged 1.12 percent, Dairy Farm International tumbled 0.86 percent, DBS Group skidded 0.68 percent, Genting Singapore retreated 0.67 percent, Hongkong Land climbed 1.30 percent, Mapletree Commercial Trust lost 0.47 percent, Mapletree Logistics Trust tanked 0.95 percent, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation dropped 0.61 percent, SATS rose 0.24 percent, SembCorp Industries shed 0.54 percent, Singapore Airlines surrendered 0.79 percent, Singapore Exchange slid 0.30 percent, Singapore Press Holdings declined 1.03 percent, Singapore Technologies Engineering dipped 0.26 percent, SingTel advanced 0.81 percent, United Overseas Bank fell 0.39 percent, Wilmar International eased 0.24 percent, Yangzijiang Shipbuilding jumped 1.42 percent and Keppel Corp, Thai Beverage, CapitaLand and Comfort DelGro were unchanged.

Newly uncovered hack campaign in Telegram

The campaign, which security firm Check Point has named Rampant Kitten, comprises two main components, one for Windows and the other for Android. Rampant Kitten’s objective is to steal Telegram messages, passwords, and two-factor authentication codes sent by SMS and then also take screenshots and record sounds within earshot of an infected phone, the researchers said in a post published on Friday.

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Telegram Max School

Created: 2023-11-21


Telegram Max School, 86895369 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel DEUTSCHLAND, US

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