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If a Muqallid says, “A new Muslim or anyone that is not a scholar is not allowed to read Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim or any book of Hadith!”

It is said to the Muqallid: You have contradicted, as there is no difference among any of you that everyone is allowed to read the Qur’an. While there are abrogations in the Qur’an, Mutashabihat, Khusus of ‘Umum orders in different places of the Qur’an, there are Mujmal verses which require a Mubayyan and words that require dictionaries and knowledge of grammar.

If anyone comes across that which they do not know, whether they are new to Islam or knowledgable and whether it is from the Qur’an or the Sunnah they are obliged to inquire the people knowledgable of the Qur’an and Sunnah (Ahl ul-Dhikr) as Allah ordered: “So ask Ahl ul-Dhikr if you do not know” [16:43].

If the Muqallid says, “Many of you do not know all defects of the Ahadith you use, so you fell into Taqlid!”

The answer: If that is according to you is Taqlid, then none of your scholars from the begin to the last are Mujtahidin as none of them discuss the defects of narrations in detail in any of their Fiqh books, not even the most advanced ones among them.

And most of you claim that Ijtihad is obligatory in matters of Aqidah as Taqlid is not allowed in it, while none of you can ever clarify the defects of the narrations you do not use in Aqidah or the authenticity of the narrations which you do use.

Ijtihad is instead obligatory according to the ability of anyone, a new Muslim and the knowledgable.

If there is a new Muslim that does not understand what weak and authentic narrations are, he only asks regarding the issue he must know, to the scholar that knows Hadith after he answered, “Is this from the words of the Prophet or anyone other than him?” He is only burdened further once he fully understands it afterwards he inquires what exactly its defects are as he understands it.
Some thoughts on how to deal with sins
Never look at all the good you have done to minimize the evil you are about to do. This is a kind of arrogance and a trick of shaytan.

If you have recently done something evil, do more good deeds to earn forgiveness while the motivation is still in your heart.

If you cannot stop a particular sin, stop the sins that are near it, because this will increase you in strength.
"Oh we can't do this anymore, teenagers today aren't mature like they used to be"

Maturity isn't a magical thing that's bestowed on people, it's cultivated by giving someone roles and responsibility. Every time age is used as an excuse to bar or exempt people from responsibility, it further contributes to the stunting of their development. Marriage is a particularly egregious example, since not only does not getting married stunt your children mentally, it also leaves the door wide open for zina for absolutely no reason.

These same people will turn around and say that the solution to the zina epidemic is to basically keep your children prisoners and isolate them from the opposite gender until they're 30, which is absurd, does not work, has nothing to do with the religion and will severely stunt your children's social development. Even if you accomplished this impossible feat, these people's urges don't simply disappear and they will start projecting them onto their family members or their own gender, and this is a known phenomenon.
Media is too big
Intelligence agencies buying out Imams and preachers.

Muhammad ibn Muneer (runs a masjid in NY), was approached by the feds after returning from his studies in Yemen. They had been keeping watch of him during his time in Yemen, and didn't waste anytime trying to buy him out.

He isn't a "jihadi" nor is he a madkhali, more like somewhere in between, madkhali-leaning in some issues, sururi-leaning in others. The important thing is to understand is that he isn't considered "extreme", and was immediately approached for that reason.

He didn't take the offer, but it does leave a lot to wonder about:

— How many other "salafis" (madkhalis) studying abroad have been approached by the FBI?

— How many of those approached accepted the offer? And how many rejected it?

— How much Islamic information and lessons has been tampered with by intelligence agencies?

After thinking about all of this, it should become clear that many of the madakhila are working with secular disbelieving governments. Especially SPUBS.
"Those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and go about the earth spreading mischief -indeed their recompense is that they either be done to death, or be crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off from the opposite sides or be banished from the land. Such shall be their degradation in this world; and a mighty chastisement lies in store for them in the World to Come" [Qur'an 5:33]
Eid mubarak everyone! Give the kids some candy and take the time to remind them of the sacrifices of our Father Ibrahim (PBUH)
Forwarded from Project Guiding Light

‎⁦ #NEW⁩ | THE MADKHALIS III | The Zandaqa of Shamsi & The Kufr of Saudi Arabia

🎥YouTube Link:⁦

‎I ask Allah to accept this minuscule effort, and make it a means of Sadaqa Jāriyah for every Muwahhid.

‎Please share in the Ajr (Insha’Allah), by sharing with your friends and family. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

‎If you haven’t watched the previous parts of the series:

Madkhalis Part 1 — ⁦
Madkhalis Part 2 — ⁦

‎Original (Shadow Banned) Yourube account, that contains all of our past videos, minus the ones above: ⁦

‎والحمدلله رب العالمين
Do not grovel at the feet of a power structure that doesn't respect you for your rights. The lives of your brothers and sisters are not subject to vote, or debate. Even the lives of the kuffar's children are worth more than a dice throw, let alone our own.

Killing is not a game.
Allah the Most Exalted said, “Indeed, those who conceal what We sent down of clear proofs and guidance after We made it clear for the people in the Book - those are cursed by Allāh and cursed by those who curse.” [2:159 translation]

Ibn Hazm said about this verse, “So we say: Allāh has cursed the one who possesses knowledge about Allah ta’āla and His Messenger ﷺ and conceals it from the people, whoever he may be.”
Question: “Is taking loans with interest allowed in the lands of the Muslims allowed?”.

The answer: It is not allowed to take such loans, to understand this it must be understood that Riba is of different types and that it only occurs with those types: sales (Buyu’), forward sales (Salam) and loans (Qardh). As for sales and forward sales, Riba only occurs in 6, which are: dates, wheat, barley, salt, gold and silver. As for loans Riba occurs in every single thing in it. It is not allowed to take a loan from a Muslim except by returning the exact amount back, not anything less and not anything more and not from a different type. This is clarified In Kitab al-Qardh and will be clarified in much more detail in Kitab al-Riba In Sha’ Allah. The evidence for the prohibition of such loans is that Allah says: “O you who believe! fear Allah and give up what remains (due to you) from Riba (from now onward), if you are (really) believers. And if you do not do it, then take a notice of war from Allah and His Messenger but if you repent, you shall have your capital sums (Ru’us al-Amwal)” [2:279]. Murtadha al-Zubaydi said in Taj al-’Arus: “Ra’s ul-Mal (singular form of Ru’us al-Amwal) means a returned loan without any interest” (1). And Rasulullah ﷺ said: “What has led people to impose conditions that are not found in the book of Allah? Any condition not found in the book of Allah is false, even if there were a hundred such conditions. The Qur’an is the paramount source of truth, and conditions established by Allah hold unparalleled authority when compared to any other conditions created by humans” (2). Receiving back more or less or a different type is all a condition that is not from the book of Allah. If the debtor gives some more from the exact same loaned capital from his own self without it having been a condition to the creditor then this is allowed والله تعالى أعلم.

(1) Taj al-’Arus 16/104
(2) Sahih al-Bukhari 2168
Forwarded from Islamic State of Mind
Just in case
An important point:

When you're giving da'wah to someone who doesn't pray, it's important that you don't have bad manners with him. If you tell him "you're a kafir", its going to have the opposite effect. A lot of people will get defensive.

Rather, you should:

• Point out the obligation of the Salah
• Talk about the virtues and reward
• Mention Ayat and Ahadith about Salah
• Explain the danger of abandoning it, without implying that he's a kafir

A lot of us, unfortunately, tend to argue about the specific fiqh matters of the prayer more than we should. We argue about if certain hadith are authentic, if we should put our hands here or there, and this is important, don't get me wrong — but we forget about those who don't pray.

Before we start criticizing those who already pray, we should focus on reaching out to those who don't.
Forwarded from Shaykh Ahmad Gems
If you ever feel the world is against you, keep your bond with Allah and remember:

"They plotted a plot against him but We made them the lowest." [37:98]

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله
Forwarded from Strangers In The Dunyā
‎Not being in the position of the IEA allows us to criticise it very easily, but we can try to understand why they’re doing what they’re doing in terms of appeasing the enemies of Allāh ﷻ like Russia, China, and Īrān.

‎Most of what they’re doing is in order to gain international recognition for Afghānistān’s statehood. I’m the first to oppose seeking international recognition without a valid excuse, but it’s important to look into the consequences of remaining as an unrecognised state.

‎An unrecognised state:

‎- lacks political representation in the international arena
‎- lacks international protection from threats to its sovereignty
‎- has limited diplomatic and economic relations with other states
‎- cannot issue travel documents or passports to its citizens
‎- cannot join international financial institutions or trade blocs
‎- does not have a postal service
‎- cannot make international money transfers.

‎This places extreme hardship on a state’s citizens and can lead to the collapse of the state. Afghānistān and many other unrecognised states aren’t completely isolated, but the IEA wouldn’t be able to maintain this “privilege” if it were to cut all diplomatic ties with enemy states and declare all lands under kāfir control diyāru’l-ḥarb that must be annually invaded.

‎Even on an individual level, we accept and submit to the nation-state and the ribā-based global financial system every day. We hold citizenships and passports, have bank accounts, even use fiat money, etc. We’d be left to die if we completely rejected the liberal international order.

‎Is this an excuse? I think that if a scholar uses ijtihād and comes to the conclusion that participating in the liberal international order is permissible out of a perceived compulsion, it would at least be a valid excuse preventing takfīr. And this isn’t even taking into account the fact that the leadership of the IEA likely doesn’t understand the implications of accepting and participating in this international order.

‎People don’t even just criticise them for participating in the international order though, they straight up make takfīr of them for friendly diplomacy with enemy states like shaking the hands of Chinese diplomats or putting out a red carpet for them.

‎What’s worse is when people think it’s really easy to reject the liberal international order as a whole and wage jihād on every neighbour, while at the same time accepting, submitting to, and participating in the liberal international order daily in their individual lives.

‎I don’t want to justify their actions, I just want people to understand their situation and actions and at least try to help them overcome their dependence on the kuffār.
2024/07/04 06:45:25
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