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In many cases, the content resembled that of the marketplaces found on the dark web, a group of hidden websites that are popular among hackers and accessed using specific anonymising software.“We have recently been witnessing a 100 per cent-plus rise in Telegram usage by cybercriminals,” said Tal Samra, cyber threat analyst at Cyberint.The rise in nefarious activity comes as users flocked to the encrypted chat app earlier this year after changes to the privacy policy of Facebook-owned rival WhatsApp prompted many to seek out alternatives.

The global forecast for the Asian markets is murky following recent volatility, with crude oil prices providing support in what has been an otherwise tough month. The European markets were down and the U.S. bourses were mixed and flat and the Asian markets figure to split the difference.The TSE finished modestly lower on Friday following losses from the financial shares and property stocks.For the day, the index sank 15.09 points or 0.49 percent to finish at 3,061.35 after trading between 3,057.84 and 3,089.78. Volume was 1.39 billion shares worth 1.30 billion Singapore dollars. There were 285 decliners and 184 gainers.

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Telegram Pastel Blues

Created: 2020-01-17

From: 电报群组 and USA

Telegram Pastel Blues, 54960 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel 电报群组, RU

Telegram Pastel Blues, 54960 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, USA, US

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