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Theology and Geopolitics Repertory
Shaykh Hasan Spiker calling out the absurd ideology of dialetheism that is being promoted by certain individuals who ascribe themselves to Ahlus Sunnah
Shaykh Hasan Spiker on Abbas Ahsan’s terrible project.

“This only forms part of his larger "project" of subjecting the certainties of our dīn to the ideological "uncertainties", the "epistemological humility" (really extraordinary epistemological arrogance), of metaphysically-rootless modern logic and analytic philosophy. The nastiest form of taqlīd of modernity. He blithely assumes the existence of "Islamic theological contradictions", which is straightforwardly tantamount to affirming that aspects of the creed are not true. He then "solves" this, not by showing that they are not really contradictions, but by affirming that they are irrevocably contradictions, and invoking an imaginary logic which purports to (imaginatively) accommodate contradictions.
‎ فَمَاذَا بَعْدَ الْحَقِّ إِلا الضَّلالُ فَأَنَّى تُصْرَفُونَ
‎ وَمَا لَهُم بِهِ مِنْ عِلْمٍ ۖ إِن يَتَّبِعُونَ إِلَّا الظَّنَّ ۖ وَإِنَّ الظَّنَّ لَا يُغْنِي مِنَ الْحَقِّ شَيْئًا “
Forwarded from qamarinitiative
Theology and Geopolitics Repertory
Coming from a guy who can’t read one page of either Imam Ghazali or IT on his own.
Big Brain Jake strikes again. He will block everyone who disagrees with him because only he is a Muslim Metaphysician and only Ibn Taymiyyah and ibn Qayyim are valid theologians.

Jake has recently been posting random quotes (which some other retarded moron translated for him, since Jake is illiterate when it comes to Arabic) about how “Jahm ibn Safwan is the Imam of the Asharis.”

There is a touch of white savior complex to Jake’s behavior. The guy acts no differently than a midwit Orientalist at times. (There are many great scholars who are white converts, but every once in a while someone converts to Islam and thinks they understand it better than all the ulama. They don’t need to learn Arabic nor do they bother studying with scholars.)

May Allāh help cure him of his compound ignorance.
Theology and Geopolitics Repertory
📝 The crisis of science and peer-reviewed journals How do we as Muslims deal with new studies that seemingly 'debunk' what our Sacred Law ordains to be good or bad?
On The Sokal Hoax and Peer Reviewed Journals Publishing AI Generated Bogus Papers

More reasons to not “Trust The Science”.
Back in 1996, Alan Sokal was a physics professor at New York University and University College London. He was troubled by the decline of academic rigor that publishers had. He demonstrated just how bad things were when he purposely wrote a completely nonsensical paper which passed the peer review and was published in a reputed journal.

Fast forward to just last month, Wiley, a 217-year-old stalwart of the scientific publishing industry, was retracting more than 11,300 fraudulent articles and closing 19 journals.
Although this large-scale fraud represents a small percentage of submissions to journals, it threatens the legitimacy of the nearly $30 billion academic publishing industry and the credibility of science as a whole.

For more on this scandal and the complete scam that is academic publishing/peer review, please check James Corbett’s full new editorial below.
Forwarded from The Kaafiyah Channel
How do we know stuff?

Every person should have a system and method by which he can verify knowledge in order to distinguish justified and valid beliefs from opinions and conjecture. What makes something true? Why do we accept certain matters as fact and not others?

In this blog we explore Islamic epistemology.
Theology and Geopolitics Repertory
Nvidia Now Worth $3.34 trillion Dollars Nvidia Corporation, founded in 1993, is the maker of chips used to power artificial intelligence. It has overtaken Microsoft and Apple to become the world’s most valuable public company.…
Speaking of AI, there are plenty of morons pretending to be scholars online now who are using Chat GPT to translate Arabic texts. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Some of them even claim to be experts in philosophy, metaphysics, jurisprudence, and hadith.
Forwarded from Bilal’s Boulder
Things we now know about Oct 7:

-Israeli casualties were revised down twice, from 1400 to under 1139. Of the killed, at least 373 were security forces.

-IDF knew that Hamas was planning on kidnapping 250 Israelis weeks before it happened

-Egypt warned Israel of the attack in advance.

-Stocks shorted on Oct 6 made someone billions of dollars in Israel.

-UN confirmed at least 3 “Hannibal Directive” incidents on Oct 7

-IDF tanks shelled Israeli hostages in their homes.

-Credible reports that Israeli helicopters, drones, and special forces shot at Israeli festival goers, hostages, bases and cars.

IDF admits that there was friendly fire on Oct 7, but believes that it is not “morally sound” to investigate these incidents.

-Key rape story was revoked.

-Israeli police says that Hamas “likely had no knowledge” of the music festival, and that it was bombed by an Israeli warplane.

Claims about beheaded babies or babies in ovens were completed made up.

Between the fog of war and friendly fire, there is a lot that we can’t know about that day. It is clear though that the facts don’t match the narrative.

Even the worst case scenario can’t justify 23,000+ civilian deaths — about 1% of Gaza’s population and counting. All this with their high-tech, super accurate munitions.
Forwarded from أبو عبد الرحمن المكي
Forwarded from أبو عبد الرحمن المكي
Theology and Geopolitics Repertory
Theology and Geopolitics Repertory
صورة للعالمين التونسيين الجليلين الشيخ العلامة الطاهر ابن عاشور والشيخ العلامة محمد الخضر حسين - رحمهما الله - في رحاب الأزهر الشريف إبان تولي الشيخ الخضر مشيخته.

مما يؤثر من معالم الود بين العالمين الصاحبين، أنه بعد هجرة الشيخ محمد الخضر حسين إلى دمشق من تونس سنة (1331 هـ) بعث صديقه الشيخ محمد الطاهر ابن عاشور إليه بالأبيات التالية:

بَعُدْتَ ونفسي في لقاكَ تصيدُ
فلمْ يُغنِ عَنهْا في الجنان قصيدُ

وخَلَّفْتَ ما بين الجوانحِ غُصَّة
لها بَينَ أحشاءِ الضُّلوعِ وَقودُ

وأضحَتْ أماني القُربِ منك ضئيلةً
ومُرُّ الليالي ضعفُها سيزيدُ

أتذكرُ إذا ودّعتنا صبحَ ليلةٍ
يموجُ بها أنسٌ لنا وبرودُ

وهل كانَ ذا رمزاً لتوديع أُنسِنا
وهل بعد هذا البينِ سوفَ يعودُ

ألم ترَ هذا الدهرَ كيفَ تلاعبَتْ
أصاِبعُه بالدرِّ وهو نَضيدُ

إذا ذكروا للودّ شخصاً محافظاً
تجلّى لنا مرآكَ وهو بعيدُ

إذا قيلَ: مَن. للعلمِ والفكرِ والتُّقى
ذكرتُكَ إيقاناً بأنْكَ فريدُ

فقل لليالي: جَدِّدي من نظامِنا
فحسبُكِ ما قد كانَ فهو شديدُ

فأجابه الشيخ محمد الخضر حسين بقصيدة قال فيها:

أَيَنْعَمُ لي بالٌ وأنتَ بعيدُ
وأسلو بطَيفٍ والمنامُ شريدُ

إذا أَجَّجَتْ ذِكراكَ شوقي أُخْضِلَتْ
لَعَمْري -بدمع المُقلَتينِ- خُدودُ

بعُدْتُ وآمادُ الحياةِ كثيرةٌ
وللأمدِ الأسمَى عَليَّ عُهودُ

بعُدْتُ بجُثماني وروحي رهينةٌ
لديكَ وللودِّ الصَّميمِ قُيودُ

عرفتُكَ إذ زُرْتُ الوزير وقَدْ حَنا
عَلَيِّ بإقبالٍ وأنتَ شَهيدُ

فكانَ غروبُ الشَّمسِ فجر صداقةٍ
لها بينَ أحناءِ الضُّلوعِ خُلودُ

ألَمْ تَرْمِ في الإصلاحِ عن قَوس ناقدٍ
درى كيف يُرعى طارِفٌ وتَليدُ

وقُمتَ على الآداب تحمي قديمها
مخافةَ أن يَطغى عليه جديدُ

أتذكُرُ إذ كُنَّا نبُاكر معهداً
حُميَّاهُ عِلْمٌ والسُّقاةُ أُسودُ

أتذكُرُ إذْ كُنَّا قَريْنَينِ عِنْدَما
يَحِينُ صُدورٌ أو يَحِينُ وُرودُ

فأين ليالينَا وأسمارُها التي
تُبَلُّ بها عِندَ الظّماءُ كُبُودُ

ليالٍ قضيناها بتونسُ ليْتَها
تعودُ وجيشُ الغاصبينَ طَريدُ.

من صفحة أ . سعد الغامدي.
Forwarded from KR (أبو عبد الرحمن المكي)
Aristocracy literally means in Greek “rule of the best”
The word kakistocracy (rule by the worst) is what describes our situation today across the globe.
2024/06/20 06:13:00
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