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Forwarded from 1English learning materials (Scud Storm)
Normal Vs Advanced English

πŸ’Ž Give me more details.
πŸ’Ž Fill me in.

πŸ’Ž Calm down.
πŸ’Ž Put yourself together.

πŸ’Ž You've to decide.
πŸ’Ž You've to make up your mind.

πŸ’Ž Nice car!
πŸ’Ž Nice ride!

πŸ’Ž I'm tired.
πŸ’Ž I'm zapped.

Forwarded from Fatima g
Forwarded from Fatima g
English With Natives*
Forwarded from Fatima g
Forwarded from Fatima g
English With Natives*
Forwarded from Fatima g
Forwarded from Fatima g
English With Natives*
Forwarded from 1English learning materials (Scud Storm)
Most Common English idioms

❗️It's just puppy love.
β–ͺ️It is just infatuation. 

❗️Put on your thinking cap.
β–ͺ️Give this some serious thought. 

❗️Let's put our cards on the table.
β–ͺ️Let's be honest with each other. 

❗️You put the cart before the horse.
β–ͺ️Put first things first. 

❗️That will put a feather in his cap.
β–ͺ️This will be a credit to him. 

❗️Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
β–ͺ️Don't depend on just one thing. 

❗️It's raining cats and dogs.
β–ͺ️It is a heavy rain. 

❗️You've got to read between the lines.
β–ͺ️Look at what they mean not what they say. 

❗️That rings the bell.
β–ͺ️Now I remember. 

❗️Don't rob the cradle.
β–ͺ️She's too young for you. 

❗️He'll just rock the boat.
β–ͺ️He will get everyone upset. 

❗️We've got lots of red tape.
β–ͺ️All the government regulations are difficult. 

❗️It's just a rip off.
β–ͺ️They will cheat you. 

❗️He rubs me the wrong way.
β–ͺ️I do not like his attitude. 

❗️As a rule of thumb I refuse.
β–ͺ️Generally I refuse. 

❗️It's pretty run down.
β–ͺ️It is in bad condition. 

❗️He needs a security blanket.
β–ͺ️He always needs reassurance. 

❗️Seeing is believing.
β–ͺ️I only believe what I can see. 

❗️That'll separate the men from the boys.
β–ͺ️We will find out who is serious.


πŸ”ΉObstacle: a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress.

πŸ”ΉBreakthrough: an important development that may lead to an achievement or agreement (make/achieve a breakthrough)

πŸ”ΉScrape through (an exam): only just succeed in passing an exam.

πŸ”ΉMake a go of sth: (inf) make sth succeed specially a business or marriage


⚜Tell us about your experiences in this regard and try to use the above words and expression in your writing.

Forwarded from 1English learning materials (Scud Storm)
Different ways to say - BIG     

πŸ¦• Large
🐳 Huge
πŸͺ Giant
πŸ¦’ Hefty
🦧 Gigantic
🦍 Sizeable
πŸ‹ Colossal
🦏 Massive
πŸ¦› Immense
🐳 Enormous
πŸ™ Monstrous
🐘 Humongous
πŸ¦• Tremendous
πŸ¦– Considerable

Forwarded from 1English learning materials (Scud Storm)

Live with Love, Grace and Gratitude

Forwarded from Common Mistakes (S B)

❎ I cannot agree to you in this situation.

βœ… I cannot agree with you in this situation.


❎ He agreed with my demands.

βœ… He agreed to my demands.

Forwarded from Fatima g
Forwarded from Fatima g
English With Natives*
Forwarded from Fatima g
A proper copper coffee pot
2024/07/17 04:11:22
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