Forwarded from Just Human ️️️
Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) released the transcripts from transcribed interview with intelligence officials who signed the "Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails."

Read the full John Brennan transcript here. 

Read the full James Clapper transcript here.

Read the full Andrew Makridis transcript here. 

Read the full Michael Morell transcript here. 

Read the full Marc Polymeropoulos transcript here. 

Read the full Nicholas Rasmussen transcript here. 

Read the full Nicholas Shapiro transcript here. 

Read the full Kristin Wood transcript here.
Forwarded from Badlands Media (Ali Tucker)
📣 Badlands Media will be covering the presidential debate tonight, so be sure to tune in for our coverage and commentary.

CNN won’t get the views and you’ll have more fun, it’s a win-win.

Show starts around 8:55pm ET 🇺🇸
stream is having some unfortunate issues.

I have the upmost confidence in
and his team to get things sorted out.

Until we do, you can catch us here on X 👇
From January 👇
Forwarded from Jon Herold
Media is too big
"Trump did not prevent Biden from being inaugurated on 1/20/21, even though he had all the reason and evidence to do so, because he wanted to avoid a civil war... Trump this time will not allow Biden to be inaugurated to avoid a civil war."

On last night's show we had a good discussion about how the 2024 election might play out.

Joe Biden may be declared the winner, but that doesn't mean he will be inaugurated this time.
Forwarded from We The Media (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒶)
BREAKING🚨🚨: Supreme Court rules Donald Trump immune from criminal prosecution when it comes to constitutional powers

An Administrative Procedures Act claim does not accrue for purposes of 28 U. S. C. §2401(a)—the default 6-year statute of limitations applicable to suits against the United States—until the plaintiff is injured by final agency action.

Just a little makeup and they changed the well-tanned Joe Biden who arrived in Atlanta into the sickly invalid we saw on stage.
Forwarded from Just Human ️️️
"Florida prosecutors heard testimony that disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein raped teenage girls, but cut a plea deal with him in 2008 anyway, according to newly released court transcripts.

The 150-page transcript of the 2006 grand jury investigation reveals that the court heard testimony about Epstein sexually assaulting girls as young as 14 inside his Palm Beach mansion.

The victims also testified and told detectives that they were paid to find Epstein more girls to assault in a harrowing case that ended with the pedophile sentenced to less than two years in prison after taking a plea deal.

Florida Circuit Judge Luis Delgado, who released the pages on Monday, warned that the transcript would likely outrage anyone who read them.

“The details in the record will be outrageous to decent people,” Delgado wrote in his order. "
Are we already reaching the “acceptance” stage of their inability to replace Biden?
"Biden told them he's staying in the race and going to win.

'Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running…no one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win,' he said, according to reports.

Biden and Harris were having lunch at the White House on Wednesday. His statement comes amid reports he's told allies he's considering an exit plan.

The president and his team have engaged in a massive outreach campaign to reassure nervous staff, lawmakers, donors and allies of Biden's ability to beat Donald Trump in November."

Joe Biden was supposed to soothe the Villagers after being so scared of Trump for so long and now they are scared to death of Joe Biden.

It's perfect.
Last night’s show was awesome but for some reason, the replay isn’t working on rumble.

It’s working just fine over on YouTube.

Be sure to give us a follow over there!
2024/07/04 14:35:35
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