Hello, Authors! 🙌

You frequently questioned us about the papers' iThenticate test results. Please be informed that:

1️⃣ The uploaded information shows the degree of similarity of your submitted article with other articles and other sources.

2️⃣ This information has been prepared in order to better evaluate the papers by the reviewers as well as provide appropriate feedback to the authors.

3️⃣ At this stage, the authors do not need to take any action, but according to the declared similarities, they should plan to correct and complete the paper in the final version.

4️⃣ After completing the reviews of the papers, if accepted, it is necessary to consider the corrections requested by the reviewers as well as the similarities in the final version.

5️⃣ The final submitted papers will be compared once again and those that show more than 30% similarity will be removed from the conference articles according to IEEE regulations.

Contact us via ...
📨 [email protected]
📣 به اطلاع می‌رساند یازدهمین کنفرانس بین المللی رباتیک و مکاترونیک (ایکرام ۲۰۲۳)، در تاریخ ۲۸ تا ۳۰ آذر ماه ۱۴۰۲ در دانشگاه تهران برگزار خواهد شد.

علاقه‌مندان جهت همکاری در کمیته دانشجویی لطفا به سایت کنفرانس مراجعه نموده و از نوار بالا با انتخاب Student Committee Registration، اطلاعات خود را در فرم مربوطه وارد نمایند.

🗓مهلت نهایی ثبت اطلاعات:
سه‌شنبه، ۹ آبان ۱۴۰۲

🌐 آدرس سایت کنفرانس:

🔗 لینک مستقیم به فرم:

⁉️در صورت داشتن هرگونه سوال و یا مشکل، از طریق آدرس ایمیل [email protected] مکاتبه فرمایید.
ICRoM pinned a photo
📣 We are seeking talented video editors to join our media team at ICRoM2023!

🔰 Task description: a two-day creating video clips for the opening/closing ceremony, trend robotics, special events in the conference, innovation and more!

🎞 Professional skills: proficiency in premiere pro, after effects, etc.

🧩 other skills: creativity and attention to details

🔜 Please contact us at [email protected]

شرکت در مسابقه ایده و خلاقیت ایکرام

🎊حمایت‌ از رتبه اول تا سوم برای صنعتی شدن طرح های برتر

انجمن رباتیک ایران همزمان با یازدهمین کنفرانس بین المللی رباتیک و مکاترونیک (ICRoM2023) برگزار می نماید:

" نمایشگاه و مسابقه ایده و خلاقیت"
• شرکت در این رویداد شامل تمامی مقاطع تحصیلی دکتری | کارشناسی‌ارشد | کارشناسی و دانش آموزی میباشد.
• این رویداد تمام رشته‌های فنی و مهندسی، علوم پایه و علوم انسانی را دربرمیگیرد.

🌱 محل برگزاری: دانشکدگان فنی دانشگاه تهران، دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک
🌱زمان برگزاری: ۲۸، ۲۹ و ۳۰ آذرماه ۱۴۰۲

* محورهای‌ ایده پردازی کاملا آزاد است؛ از جمله:
▫️خودروهای خودران

🗓 مهلت ارسال طرح ها: ۱ آذرماه ۱۴۰۲
📍کسب اطلاعات بیشتر و ثبت‌نام از طریق:
🌟 Congratulations on your submission being accepted!

🏆 The list of accepted papers is available from the link below:
🔗 https://icrom.ir/icrom2023/papers-desicision-list/

This is to kindly remind you that the final submission due is on December 1, 2023.

Please follow the following link to complete your final submission:
🔗 https://icrom.ir/submissions/submission/

📨 Please contact us if you have questions via [email protected]
Tutorial 1- Advancements in Medical Robotics:
Design, Analysis, and Innovation

For more info:

🗓 Date:
Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023

- 08:00 to 12:00 | Tehran (GMT +3:30)

🔗 Virtual Room: https://skyroom.online/ch/icrom/vr4

In person participation is possible.
Please notice that tutorials are free to join.
Tutorial certificates are issued upon registration:
🔗 Tutorial Registration: https://icrom.ir/workshopsregistration/
🔗 Conference and Tutorial Registration Fees: https://icrom.ir/registrations/registrationfee/

#Tutorial #ICRoM2023
Tutorial 2 - Siemens S71200 & s71500 PLC for Motion Control

👩‍🏫Instructor: Fatemeh Rafsanjani

For more info:

🗓 Date:
Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023

- 08:00 to 14:00 | Tehran (GMT +3:30)

🔗 Virtual Room: https://skyroom.online/ch/icrom/vr5
In person participation is possible.

Please notice that tutorials are free to join.
Tutorial certificates are issued upon registration:
🔗 Tutorial Registration: https://icrom.ir/workshopsregistration/
🔗 Conference and Tutorial Registration Fees: https://icrom.ir/registrations/registrationfee/

#Tutorial #ICRoM2023
Tutorial 3 - Artificial Intelligence And Robotics: A Practical Overview

🧑‍🏫Instructor: Soheil Khatibi

For more info:

🗓 Date:
Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023

- 14:00 to 17:00 | Tehran (GMT +3:30)

🔗 Virtual Room: https://skyroom.online/ch/icrom/vr2
In person participation is possible.

Please notice that tutorials are free to join.
Tutorial certificates are issued upon registration:
🔗 Tutorial Registration: https://icrom.ir/workshopsregistration/
🔗 Conference and Tutorial Registration Fees: https://icrom.ir/registrations/registrationfee/

#Tutorial #ICRoM2023
Tutorial 4 - An Introduction to Simulation & Programming of Autonomous Quadcopters

For more info:

🗓 Date:
Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023

- 14:00 to 17:00 | Tehran (GMT +3:30)

🔗 Virtual Room: https://skyroom.online/ch/icrom/vr4
In person participation is possible.

Please notice that tutorials are free to join.
Tutorial certificates are issued upon registration:
🔗 Tutorial Registration: https://icrom.ir/workshopsregistration/
🔗 Conference and Tutorial Registration Fees: https://icrom.ir/registrations/registrationfee/

#Tutorial #ICRoM2023
Tutorial 5 - Unlocking the Potential of ROS2: A Practical Journey with ROBOTIS Turtlebot3 Platform

🧑‍🏫Instructor: Ali Khorshidi Benam

For more info:

🗓 Date:
Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023

- 14:00 to 17:00 | Tehran (GMT +3:30)

🔗 Virtual Room: https://skyroom.online/ch/icrom/vr5

In-person participation is possible.
Please notice that tutorials are free to join.
Tutorial certificates are issued upon registration:
🔗 Tutorial Registration: https://icrom.ir/workshopsregistration/
🔗 Conference and Tutorial Registration Fees: https://icrom.ir/registrations/registrationfee/

#Tutorial #ICRoM2023
Workshop 1 - Emerging Robotics Education: Challenges and Future Prospects

For more info:

🗓 Date:
Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023

- 14:00 to 18:00 | Tehran (GMT +3:30)

🔗 Virtual Room: https://skyroom.online/ch/icrom/vr1

In-person participation is possible.
Please notice that workshops are free to join.
Workshops certificates are issued upon registration:
🔗 Tutorial Registration: https://icrom.ir/workshopsregistration/
🔗 Conference and Tutorial Registration Fees: https://icrom.ir/registrations/registrationfee/

#Workshop #ICRoM2023
Workshop 2 - Resilient Control of Cyber-Physical Systems

For more info:

🗓 Date:
Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023

- 08:00 to 11:00 | Tehran (GMT +3:30)

🔗 Virtual Room: https://skyroom.online/ch/icrom/vr2

In-person participation is possible.
Please notice that workshops are free to join.
Workshops certificates are issued upon registration:
🔗 Tutorial Registration: https://icrom.ir/workshopsregistration/
🔗 Conference and Tutorial Registration Fees: https://icrom.ir/registrations/registrationfee/

#Workshop #ICRoM2023
Workshop 3 - Advancements of AI in Surgery: Enabling Smart Video-guided Surgical Training

For more info:

🗓 Date:
Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023

- 13:30 to 16:00 | Tehran (GMT +3:30)

🔗 Virtual Room: https://skyroom.online/ch/icrom/vr3

In-person participation is possible.
Please notice that workshops are free to join.
Workshops certificates are issued upon registration:
🔗 Tutorial Registration: https://icrom.ir/workshopsregistration/
🔗 Conference and Tutorial Registration Fees: https://icrom.ir/registrations/registrationfee/

#Workshop #ICRoM2023
Workshop 4 - Introduction to World-Class AI Operators and the OMID AI Operator

🧑‍🏫Instructor: Alireza Nazari

For more info:

🗓 Date:
Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023

- 08:00 to 11:00 | Tehran (GMT +3:30)

🔗 Virtual Room: https://skyroom.online/ch/icrom/vr1

In-person participation is possible.
Please notice that workshops are free to join.
Workshops certificates are issued upon registration:
🔗 Tutorial Registration: https://icrom.ir/workshopsregistration/
🔗 Conference and Tutorial Registration Fees: https://icrom.ir/registrations/registrationfee/

#Workshop #ICRoM2023
Workshop 5 - Robotic Grasping: A Deep Learning Approach

For more info:

🗓 Date:
Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023

- 08:00 to 11:00 | Tehran (GMT +3:30)

🔗 Virtual Room: https://skyroom.online/ch/icrom/vr5

In-person participation is possible.
Please notice that workshops are free to join.
Workshops certificates are issued upon registration:
🔗 Tutorial Registration: https://icrom.ir/workshopsregistration/🔗 🔗Conference and Tutorial Registration Fees: https://icrom.ir/registrations/registrationfee/

#Workshop #ICRoM2023
Forwarded from IEEE Ethics Competition

مسابقه‌ی دانشجویی اخلاق IEEE بخش ایران

چالشی برای اعضای دانشجویی IEEE

"طرح یک موضوع اخلاقی و تلاش شرکت‌کنندگان برای یافتن راه‌حل مناسب"

📆 زمان برگزاری: ۵شنبه ۱۴۰۲/۰۹/۳۰ ساعت ۱۰ صبح
همزمان با کنفرانس ایکرام ۲۰۲۳

📍مکان برگزاری: کارگر شمالی، پردیس ۲ دانشکدگان فنی دانشگاه تهران، دانشکده مهندسی برق و کامپیوتر، آمفی تئاتر استاد جبه‌دار

⭕️ رقابت ۸ تیم از ۸ شاخه دانشجویی IEEE

🔗 جهت کسب اطلاعات بیشتر به سایت و کانال تلگرامی مسابقه مراجعه نمایید:

🌐 https://icrom.ir/Sec2023
🆔 https://www.tg-me.com/IEEE_Ethics

📣 شناسه کانال رسمی بخش ایران در تلگرام و اینستاگرام: 
به اطلاع ارائه‌دهندگان مقالات در روز چهارشنبه می‌رساند جهت دریافت گواهی ارائه مقالات خود می‌توانند تا پایان مراسم اختتامیه کنفرانس در روز پنج‌شنبه به میز پذیرش کنفرانس مراجعه فرمایند.
به اطلاع ارائه‌دهندگان مقالات می‌رساند با توجه به تکمیل فرایند ارسال نسخه الکترونیکی گواهی ارائه مقالات از طریق ایمیل به کسانی که نسخه فیزیکی گواهی خود را دریافت نکرده‌اند، در صورتی که گواهی ارائه خود را نه بصورت فیزیکی و نه بصورت الکترونیکی دریافت نکرده‌اید، اطلاعات خود و آی‌دی مقاله خود را جهت بررسی به آدرس [email protected] ارسال فرمایید.
Very Dear Respected Authors,

Congratulations! 🎉
The 11th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM 2023) has been posted to the IEEE Xplore digital library.

🔗 IEEE Xplore Link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/10412246/proceeding

Along with publication in IEEE Xplore, wide distribution of conference proceedings will be done correspondingly by providing abstracting and indexing information of all individual conference papers to worldwide databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus, Publons, Research Gate, etc.
2024/06/19 12:17:33
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